Announcing...Name Change

The Rockhill Women's Bible Study began in 2012 with 25 women, most of whom attending Rockhill Church. Since then God has graciously grown our study to include women from numerous churches and denominations, along with women who have no church affiliation at all.

This brings us to the reason for the name change. Because we are a Community Bible Study, we wanted a name that was not the name of a specific church or denomination that may in some ways be a barrier to women joining. Instead, we desired a name that would reflect our purpose in gathering and continue to open the doors to women longing to know the God of the Bible through the study of His Word.

Since 2012 we have been committed to the study of God's Word. Submitted to the Holy Spirit, we have desired to be rooted in Christ Jesus our Lord through the faithful study of His Word - the Bible.  As our roots deepen through the study of Scripture, it is our prayer that we would be women who would be changed by the renewing of our minds. We long to be women who bear the fruit of Christ in our homes, in our work places, with our family and friends, our neighborhoods, and within our church communities.  Because of this desire our new name - Rooted  - is quite fitting.

If you have been a part of the Rockhill Women's Bible Study over the years, be assured that our format will be unchanged. We will continue to study the Bible using the inductive study method of comprehension, interpretation, and application through personal home work, small group discussion, and teaching. If you have not yet visited us, I would like to invite you to join us in the fall for our study in the book of Joshua. Registration information will be coming to the website this summer.

If you have any questions about Rooted Women's Bible Study, feel free to email

Grace and Peace,

Cherie Leatherman

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." Colossians 2:6-7
